A broadcast can be used to notify specific Account Users and Teams.
The Broadcast Object
Property | Type | Description |
title | string | The title of the broadcast. |
description | string | The description of the broadcast. |
tag_list | string[] | A list of tags. |
destination_team_ids | string[] | An array of Team IDs this broadcast should be sent to. |
destination_account_user_ids | string[] | An array of Account User IDs this broadcast should be sent to. |
status | string | The current status state of the broadcast. |
response_requested | boolean | If a response was requested from the destinations. |
response_requested_by | timestamp | The deadline of when the destinations have to respond by. |
broadcast_response_options | BroadcastResponseOption[] |
broadcast_responses | BroadcastResponses[] |
Create a Broadcast
Allowed Parameters
Required Parameters
at least 1 destination (Team or Account User)
if response requested, at least 1 response option
Retrieve a Broadcast
Update a Broadcast
Delete a Broadcast
List all Broadcasts
Comment on a Broadcast
Required Parameters
List a Broadcast's Comments
Last updated